04 март
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Музеи Баку

Город Баку богат своей историей, которая сохранена и представлена во многочисленных музеях, функционирующих на территории города. Ниже представлен список основных музеев города в алфавитном порядке. Дом-музей Абдуллы Шаига г. Баку, ул. Абдуллы Шаига 21 телефон (99412) 492-29-61 Дом-музей Азима Азимзаде г. Баку, ул. Диляры Алиевой 157 телефон (99412) 494-94-73 Дом-музей Вагифа Мустафазаде г. Баку, ул. Мустафазаде В. 4-ый переулок тел......... полностью

Азербайджанский Государственный Музей Изобразительного Искусства

The Azerbaijan State Museum of Art is a storehouse of the works of art beginning from the ancient period up to the present time. All kinds of art are completely represented here. The art of Azerbaijan, West-Europe, Russia, the East is displayed in the halls of our museum. * The museum was founded in 1920 and at present it is situated in two old buildings, which were built at the end of the XIX centure. * The exposition of our museum is ...... полностью

Национальный музей Азербайджанской Литературы

The National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature was founded in 1939 initially as the Nizami Memorial Museum that contained a wide range of pieces and documents representing the life and activity of Nizami as well as the historical period he lived. The Museum opened to the public in May 1945 this event being dedicated to the victory in World War II. The collections of the Museum were enlarged in 1947 when the Nizami's jubilee postponed during the War was...... полностью
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