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декабрь 20, 2006 | Разное

Muskie Alumni Retreat

Date: January 6-7, 2007 Venue: Guba Olympics http://www.gubaolympic.az/ Friends and colleagues: Unfortunately, due to the overlaps in our exchange program timelines we have to reschedule the alumni retreat. Please let us know if you will be able to join our outing on January 6-7, 2007. Those who already applied: could you please confirm that you are OK with the new dates. Those who are interested to apply: please submit a short bio note (indicating your specialization and current employ...... полностью
декабрь 9, 2006 | Разное

IREX seeks qualified American experts and alumni of US government prog

POSITION LOCATION: Baku, Azerbaijan About IREX: The International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) is an international nonprofit organization providing leadership and innovative programs to improve the quality of education, strengthen independent media and foster pluralistic civil society development. Founded in 1968, IREX has an annual portfolio of $50 million and a staff of over 500 professionals worldwide. IREX and its partner IREX Europe deliver cross-cutting programs and con...... полностью
декабрь 9, 2006 | Разное

GRANT- American Councils Programs for Research & Language Training

Posted by: Sheila Dawes American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS announces the following Fall 2007 and Academic Year 2007-2008 fellowship programs: Title VIII Research Scholar Program: Provides full support for three to nine-month research trips to Russia, Central Asia, the South Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova. Fellowships include roundtrip international travel, housing, living stipends, visas, insurance, affiliation fees, archive access, research advis...... полностью
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