Новости и статьи
июль 25, 2005 | Разное
Welcome to our McDermott Community
At last we managed to have our own McDermott Community...
I'd like to congratulate everybody on this occasion and wish you all to have an active part in the life of our new community.
Share your thoughts, ads, photos, links and simply have a chat or discussion with the other community members...
Anyway, the main reason for this community was to create and keep an ongoing tradition of keeping in touch with as many as possible McDermott family members...
Have fun... :))) читать
I'd like to congratulate everybody on this occasion and wish you all to have an active part in the life of our new community.
Share your thoughts, ads, photos, links and simply have a chat or discussion with the other community members...
Anyway, the main reason for this community was to create and keep an ongoing tradition of keeping in touch with as many as possible McDermott family members...
Have fun... :))) читать
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