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Все записи | Междунаpодные оpганизации
пятница, май 25, 2001

Ercan Murat leaving Azerbaijan


The UN Resident Representative in Azerbaijan Ercan Murat is expected to complete its mission in Azerbaijan late May and take a new position in Kyrgyzstan. Mr. Murat has worked in Azerbaijan since September 1997.

The UN official told a farewell news conference at the Hyatt Park Friday that during his four years in Azerbaijan he had paid special attention to such issues as restoration and de-mining of liberated Azeri territories, effective governance, human rights, assistance to small and medium enterprise, etc. Over this period, the UN has allotted $80 million to Azerbaijan and implemented various projects.

According to him, $3-3.5 million a year is needed to operate UN offices in Azerbaijan, which are 90% locally staffed.

Ercan Murat said he was leaving Azerbaijan with cordial feelings.*

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