31 март
© Leshinski
Все записи | Междунаpодные оpганизации
суббота, май 12, 2001

ICRC sums up April activity


In April, the protection team of the Baku delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) visited persons deprived of their freedom in Colonies #3, #12 and the Detention center for administrative offences of the Ministry of Interior. The visits were conducted in accordance with the ICRC standard working procedures. In the framework of the tuberculosis control project inside the penitentiary system conducted by the Ministry of Justice with the assistance of the ICRC, 530 detainees are presently under treatment.

During the one-month period the Orthopedic Center, operated jointly by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and the ICRC, housed 28 patients in its dormitory and delivered 25 prostheses (6 out of them for mine victims), 59 orthoses, 21 patients were supplied with crutches and sticks. The Orthopedic Center was visited by 86 persons.

Throughout the month the ICRC Pedagogical program team held a number of meetings with secondary schools teachers in Baku and Guba. The ICRC also sponsored theatre performances of “Mangourte” by Chingiz Aytmatov conducted in the schools by the Azerbaijan Pantomime Theatre.

In April, the ICRC Communication Department run a three-day workshop for employees of the Red Crescent Society.*

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