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пятница, октябрь 24, 2008

Turkic nations to speak common language


Turkic nations meeting in Ankara have launched discussions on a common language.

The 10-day congress of Turkic-speaking nations is focusing on relations among these countries and researching ancient monuments with inscriptions in Turkic languages.

About 20 Azerbaijani linguists are participating at the event. Associate member of the National Academy of Sciences, Prof. Nizami Jafarov said problems regarding a common language of Turkic countries have been essentially solved.

“Accepting Turkey’s language as a common one seems realistic. Some, however, feel rather jealous about this. But this would not cause squeezing out other languages,” the scholar said.

He added that a common language of Turkic nations was “a requirement of present-day” in a globalizing world.

The congress of Turkic-speaking nations is held in the Turkish capital once in five years. The event aims to study and develop Turkic languages, and promote them worldwide.*

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