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четверг, ноябрь 9, 2006

WHO elects new boss


The World Health Organization (WHO) elected its new director-general on Wednesday.

Assistant Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan of China was nominated by the organization’s Executive Board. The nomination will be submitted to the World Health Assembly, which will meet for a one-day special session on Thursday, to appoint the next Director-General.

Chan, 59, competed with four other candidates, with the main runner-up being Mexican Health Minister Julio Frenk, the WHO office in Baku said.

The previous WHO boss, Dr Lee Jong-wook, a national of the Republic of Korea, died of a stroke at the age of 61 late in May.

Now, Dr Chan obtained her Medical Degree from the University of Western Ontario in Canada and a public health degree from the National University of Singapore. Chan is a well-known public figure because of her record of leadership in fighting disease first in Hong Kong, and more recently at WHO. She joined WHO in 2003.*

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