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среда, декабрь 8, 2004

17,000 insulin-dependent diabetics in Azerbaijan


There are 54,500 diabetics, including about 500 diabetes-affected people under 20, in Azerbaijan. Of them, 17,000 people are insulin-dependent diabetics, Minister for Public Health Ali Insanov has said.

According to Insanov, there are 194 million diabetic patients all over the world and the figure is forecast to reach 330 million in 25 years. Death of diabetes comes third after that of cordial-vascular and oncologic diseases, he noted.

Currently, about 200 endocrinologists are responsible for treating diabetes in Azerbaijan, with endocrinology dispensaries operating in big cities of the country.

A state program on prevention of diabetes has been developed and forwarded to the Cabinet of Ministers. $11 million will be spent on the program, the first stage of which is planned to be implemented in 2005-2009.

Minister Insanov highly appreciated assistance by the US and French companies in preventing diabetes and stressed the particular contribution of the country’s first lady Mehriban Aliyeva in this direction.

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