01 апр.
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суббота, сентябрь 17, 2011

III Ежегодный Фестиваль Еврейской Культуры "Wandering Stars"в Лос Анжелесе. Концерт "

aвтор: JaffeJoffer ®

Уважаемые лос-анжелесские бакинцы!

(прошу прощения за short notice, меня не было две недели, а сделать это в дороге я не догадался )


Разрешите от имени City of West Hollywood and Unity in Diversity Arts Foundation пригласить вас на III Ежегодный Фестиваль Еврейской Культуры "Wandering Stars",  на концерт канторов в рамках этого фестиваля, который состоится

в воскресенье 18 сентября в 4 часа дня.

Вся информация касательно концерта может быть найдена в афише.


Что Вам сказать … I highly recommend them.

Very talented people, beautiful voices, a Burst of Energy.

Выступают они с совершенно новой программой "Come Sing Along to Your Favorite Songs".

На креслах будут лежать листки со словами песен, то есть у вас есть шанс стать частью одного большого хора, одной большой семьи, спеть вместе со всеми.

И неважно совершенно есть у вас слух или нет, обладаете ли вы голосом или нет … самое красивое пение это тогда, когда поют люди, поёт народ.

Приглашаю всех, вне зависимости от вероисповедания и возраста, Новый Год есть Новый Год для каждого в Городе Ангелов.

А таких праздников у нас у всех, слава Б-гу, много


Should you have any questions please either email me at oleg.volovik@gmail.com or just call directly at 310-869-0016 - mobile.

Сайт исполнителей в процессе создания, поэтому не будьте слишком придирчивы

Песня, звучащая сейчас на их сайте - live performance, они в процессе звукозаписи сейчас, поэтому ничего более показать не могу.


Sincerely yours,


Олег Воловик

Unity in Diversity Arts Foundation, CEO




Cantor Samuel Cohen


Born in London, England, Cantor Cohen grew up in a family where Chazzanut is in the blood; both of his grandfathers were Chazzanim, as well as his father and two older brothers.  From a very young age he was singing for family and friends.  This progressed to leading services at age 13 on a weekly basis at various synagogues in the East End of London.  Continuing to sing all the way through his high school years, he then took up High Holiday positions around the world.

At age 22, he received rabbinic ordination in Melbourne, Australia, and was subsequently appointed as cantor of the Pretoria Hebrew Congregation (PHC) in Pretoria, South Africa.  While in South Africa, Cohen also attended the Vocal Art School at Tshwane University, where he performed in several operas, including Verdi’s Un Giorno di Regno. He relocated to Los Angeles in 2006. Throughout his career, Cohen has performed in a variety of public and private concerts around the world, including, England, Australia, Canada and Israel, blending Chazzanut, opera, Israeli, and contemporary Jewish music.

Cantor Cohen is the founder of Hollywoodcantors


Cantor Marcus Feldman


Cantor Marcus Feldman is currently serving as The Second Cantor at Stephen S. Wise Temple in Los Angeles. Trained in opera as a Baritone / Tenor, he graduated from the University of Southern California (USC) in 2007 with dual degrees in Vocal Performance, B.M. and Business Administration, B.S. with a concentration in Real Estate Finance. While at USC, Marcus was a member of the university’s top choral ensemble for four years and sang leading roles in two of the main stage operas. Marcus began the study of hazzanut privately with Cantor Nathan Lam in 2005 and was appointed the Cantor of Sun City Jewish Services in Palm Desert. There he lead monthly Shabbat services with Rabbi Isaiah Zeldin and officiated at their High Holyday services. As part of his cantorial studies, Marcus spent a semester in Jerusalem studying hazzanut with the renowned Cantor Naftali Herstik. He was ordained as a Cantor at the Academy for Jewish Religion in May of 2011, and holds a Masters of Sacred Jewish Music from the same institution. Marcus’ thesis is a  transcription of the original nusach of Cantor Naftali Herstik’s Shabbat Morning Service, which is now used throughout the cantorial world. Marcus is honored to have been appointed to be the Second Cantor of Stephen S. Wise Temple in 2011. He has had the privilege of leading High Holy Daysservices for five years and is currently leading Shabbat, festival, and High Holy Days services, participating in Elementary and Religious School services, administering the B’nai Mitzvah program, officiating at life cycle events, and directing liturgical and musical programs at the Temple. Additionally, Marcus appears as a regular Cantorial soloist throughout synagogues in the Los Angeles area.


Cantor Netanel Baram


Netanel Baram is a native of Jerusalem.  His father teaches music and his mother is a professional artist. Both parents imbued him with a love of music from the time he was a toddler

The turning point in his life came when he attended services at The Jerusalem Great Synagogue for the first time. As he listened to the inspiring prayers chanted by world renowned Chief Cantor Naftali Herstik accompanied by the magnificent choir conducted by Elli Jaffe, Netanel determined that he would like to become a Chazzan. 

Following his High School graduation, Netanel continued his Torah studies at Yeshivat Ateret Yisrael and at Yeshivat Mercaz Harav Kook.  He also began serious Cantorial study at the Tel Aviv Cantorial Institute where he was guided by its Dean, Chazzan Naftali Herstik, Raymond Goldstein and other master teachers.  His musical talents and skills were further developed by his father and by Maestro Elli Jaffe. Netanel has been a featured soloist at many concerts of The Tel Aviv Cantorial Institute in Israel and abroad. He has been a member and soloist of The Jerusalem Great Synagogue Choir and serves as guest Chazzan at that Synagogue. During the past few years, Netanel has also been engaged by congregations in Israel and other countries to officiate as guest Chazzan. 

He has been a chazzan at Sea Point Congregation in Capetown, South Africa , at Zurich, Switzerland , Melbourne, Australia  and more… . He has appeared as soloist with the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra, Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra , the Kibbutz Lavi Music Festival , the Berlin Jewish Festival with the Berlin Radio Choir and more…..In the last summer Netanel has recorded a concert at the Jerusalem Music Center for the Israeli Public radioHe has also, founded the ”Kol Rinah” Choir, which officiated throughout Israel and abroad Netanel is currently serving as the cantor of Beth Jacob Congregation in Beverly Hills, California.


Cantor Jonathan Freidmann


Jonathan L. Friedmann is Cantor of Bet Knesset Bamidbar and Valley Outreach Synagogue-P’nai Tikvah, both in Las Vegas, Nevada. He received Cantorial Ordination and a Masters in Jewish Sacred Music from the Academy for Jewish Religion, California, where he is currently Professor of Jewish Music History. He also holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in Religious Studies from California State University, Long Beach, and is a Ph.D. candidate in Theology (Old Testament) at the joint doctoral program of North-West University and Greenwich School of Theology. An active composer, arranger, and string player, Jonathan is co-founder of the Jewish world music ensemble, Elijah’s Chair, and a recipient of the Shalshelet Award for New Jewish Liturgical Music. Jonathan has also published over 200 popular and peer-reviewed articles on music and religion, and is the author or editor of several books on sacred music, most recently Quotations on Jewish Sacred Music (Hamilton, 2011)


Diana Volman, concert piano


Diana Volman was born in Moldova and holds a Master Degree in Piano Performance from the Moldova State Conservatory of Music. She is a winner of the sixth international Tchurlyonis competition and the first prize winner of the Rachmaninoff All-State competition. She studied with such eminent teachers as Dmitry Bashkirov, Yevgeny Shenderovich and Vitaly Margulis. In 1990 she immigrated to Los Angeles, where she has taken an active role in the cultural life of the community. As an accompanist , solo performer and chamber music collaborator, she has played thousands of concerts in such venues as Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, The Thousand Oaks Civic Auditorium, Orange County Center for the Performing  Arts and the San Gabriel Auditorium. Mrs. Volman has received numerous recognitions from the City of West Hollywood for her participation in the cultural life of the Russian Community, among them is The Role Model of the Year 2011. She also established herself as a successful piano teacher - her students have been winners of many competitions.



The Hollywood Cantors
авг. 1, 2011
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