04 март
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For many superstitious people in the world "Friday, the 13th" stands for unlucky business, a break-up with a girlfriend, a car accident or a brick falling down on your head and so on. We would like to offer you a list of superstitions people of Baku believe in. Most of them originate from the beliefs of Azerbaijani, Russian, Jewish and other nations that live in Baku and whose cultures melted together to develop one, original and diverse. A cat crossing your way means ba...... полностью

Встреча Нового Года

Many traditions and customs observed by people in Azerbaijan and in particular in Baku are influenced by various cultures and religions. In this respect, the holidays celebrating the end of a calendar year. December 25 Christmas Non-official (but declared a day-off at some companies) Celebrated by expatriates in Azerbaijan and Catholics and Protestants) January 1 * (December 31) ...... полностью


Marriage being an important event of social life, the act of wedding in the old Azerbaijan society was enhanced with a great many ceremonies and rites. These were to prevent the future spouses from harm, diseases and venomous forces. Traditionally the wedding cycle is divided into three stages: 1. Pre-wedding period * 2. The wedding feast by itself * 3. Post-wedding period During the pre-wedding period the family of a man chose a girl, matchmade, got the consent of ...... полностью

Азербайджанская Кухня

Plov Ingredients (for 1 portion): Mutton 800 gr. * Melted butter 200 gr. * Rice 600 gr. * Onion 200 gr. * Prunes 160 gr. Cinnamon 0.8 gr. * Saffron 0.4 gr. * Pinks 0.2 gr. * Pepper 0.4 gr. * Salt Cut the mutton into portion pieces and fry it in butter. Add some broth, fried onions,...... полностью

Новруз Байрам

В седую древность уходит история Азербайджана. В быту, в образе жизни азербайджанцев представлены, так же, как и в его истории, многие обычаи и обряды, связанные с идеологией различных эпох. * Одной из интересных народных традиций азербайджанцев является праздник Новруз (в переводе - «новый день») - праздник весны, радости, веселья, обновления природы. Этот праздник по существу не носит религиозного характера. В древнейшем литературном памятнике огнепоклонников «Авесте» (VI век до н.э.) описы...... полностью

Курбан Байрам

Kurban Bayramy is one of the institutive religious holidays celebrated in Azerbaijan. It originates from the Biblical legend of the arch-father Abraham (Ibrahim in Islam), his wife Hagar and their son Isaac's (Ismail in Islam) being offered for sacrifice. The apologue of Ibrahim and Ismail, emergence of ancient Arabic sanctuaries of Mecca, rituals of peregrination to Mecca and the associated feast of sacrifice got new interpretation in the course of time and were subjected to requirements of Isl...... полностью
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