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воскресенье, февраль 18, 2024

Planetary Health Organization Launches International Programs in South Caucasus

aвтор: Azergifts ®


The Planetary Health Organization (PHO), an international medical NGO dedicated to promoting global health and well-being, has announced the launch of its international programs in the South Caucasus region.

The decision was made by PHO's board members during a recent meeting held on February 3, 2024, where a resolution was passed to address the pressing public health challenges faced by the countries of Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.

The resolution underscores PHO's commitment to building partnerships with governmental, non-governmental, and business organizations in the region to implement tailored programs aligned with the organization's mission. These programs aim to improve health outcomes and address key issues such as access to healthcare, non-communicable diseases, infectious diseases, maternal and child health, mental health, environmental health, and more.

As part of its efforts, PHO will introduce special initiatives designed to engage with local communities and governmental institutions. These initiatives include the distribution of PHO Club Cards to all residents of the South Caucasus countries, providing access to exclusive health resources and services.

Additionally, PHO will introduce the PHO International Standard Certificate for products and services, ensuring quality and compliance with global health standards.

Milana Gorenstein, President of PHO, expressed optimism about the organization's expanded efforts in the South Caucasus region, stating, "By working collaboratively with local stakeholders, we believe that we can make a meaningful impact on public health outcomes in the region. Our goal is to support and empower communities to overcome the multiple challenges they face in the field of public health".

PHO invites governmental, non-governmental, and business organizations in the South Caucasus region to join forces in this important endeavor. Together, we can create healthier and more resilient communities for generations to come.

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