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среда, январь 26, 2005

Man charged in child-porn probe

aвтор: Lanner
10-year-old boy alleged victim
Israeli citizen here since 2000


Police are seeking help in an international child-exploitation investigation that led to charges against an Israeli citizen alleged to have sexually assaulted a 10-year-old Toronto boy.

Investigators believe the man, who has lived in Toronto since 2000, made child pornography using at least two dozen boys.

"We are trying to determine if there are other victims. We believe there are," Det. Sgt. Paul Gillespie of the sex crimes unit told a news conference at police headquarters yesterday.

So far the charges against the man relate to one alleged victim.

Following the man's arrest on Nov. 30, police seized a computer and other paraphernalia from his home, Gillespie said.

"Three-thousand pictures were recovered ... many involving young boys in various sex acts," he said.

The material includes graphic sexual photographs of children between the ages of 7 and 15, he said.

"We believe some live in Canada," Gillespie said, adding the man has been active in the Russian and Ukrainian communities in Toronto.

Police allege the man, an Israeli of Ukrainian descent, was exchanging child pornography worldwide. Gillespie said he believes some victims are from Russia and at least one has visited Toronto.

"Chat logs, emails and documents recovered from the accused's computer reveal that he was exchanging child pornography with men all over the world," said Det. Jim Muscat. "The accused and these men had discussions about having sex with children in Canada and elsewhere in the world and discussed how to bring children to Canada from other parts of the world."

Toronto police became involved in the investigation after Israeli authorities charged Shimon Bentov in Israel late last year, alleging he committed sexual assaults on children and child-pornography offences. Authorities in Israel were also seeking the man arrested in Toronto in relation to the same charges.

Toronto police acted on the information immediately, and the man was arrested at his home near Bathurst St. and Steeles Ave. W. on an immigration warrant.

He is now charged with sexual assault, sexual interference, making child pornography and possession of child pornography in relation to the 10-year-old boy.

Police allege the man was also involved in assaults on two boys, possibly brothers, who may live in Moscow.

"Child pornography pictures of one victim, known only as Pasha, show this child being sexually abused beginning at the age of about 7 and continuing until he was about 16," Muscat said.

"Some of these pictures were taken in Toronto ... during the summer months of 2001 and 2002. Investigators also have pictures of other unknown boys obviously taken in Toronto."

During his time in Toronto, the man has worked as a pianist and played several venues.

"He placed advertisements in Russian-language newspapers seeking to employ young boys to assist with his piano performances," Muscat said.

He has also been employed at Aelita Musical Enterprises and the Martha Hicks School of Ballet, both in Toronto, and Pizzazz 'n Jazz VP Dance Studio in Bolton.

Charged is Vitaly Levshin, 46. He will appear in court again tomorrow via a video hookup.

© TheStar.com
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