02 июнь
Женька и Ждун
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вторник, апрель 10, 2007

Meeting with Mr. Abulfaz Qarayev

aвтор: Cute
NAYO organize a meeting with Mr. Abulfaz Qarayev, Minister of Culture and Trusim of
the Republic of Azerbaijan

Tomorrow (11.04.2007) Mr. Abulfaz Qarayev, Minister of Culture and Trusim of the Republic of Azerbaijan will meet with the members of Norwegian Azerbaijanies Youth Organization (NAYO) in Oslo. Meeting will take place at 18:00 at the Grand Hotel (next to Norwegian Parliament).

The aim of this meeting is to introduce NAYO to Mr. Qarayev and discuss the possible future cooperation between NAYO and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Repiblic of Azerbaijan.

NAYO's coming project "Azerbaijan Days in Norway", September 2007 will be introduced to the
Mr. Abulfaz Qarayev as well.
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