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среда, март 21, 2007

Invetsment opportunities in growing economy of Azerbaijan

aвтор: Cute
On 27th February 2007 the Norwegian Azerbaijanis Youth Organization (NAYO) arranged a seminar/business form on “Investment Opportunities in Growing Economy of Azerbaijan” at the BI - Norwegian School of Management (Oslo, Norway)

The Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Norway, United Kingdom, Ireland and Sweden - His Excellency Mr. Rafael Ibrahimov and President of AZPROMO Mr. Emil Majidov were special guests of the seminar/business form.

The main purpose of the seminar was to give extensive information about Azerbaijan, presentations on business-climate, opportunities of energy, food, construction and other sectors of Azerbaijani economy to the attention of foreign businessmen and students.

After their speeches Mr. Ambassador and Mr. Emil Majidov answered questions of the auditorium (Norway businessmen, public representatives and students) and Azerbaijani traditional food and drinks were served.

NAYO special thanks to Rolv Petter Amdam (Associate Dean – Master of Management (BI University) as a co-organizer of the seminar/business form as well as to the embassy of Azerbaijan to UK and Azerbaijan International Bank for their great support in arranging this project.
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